Where to sleep, when you want to climb Triglav

Bled or Mojstrana are good places to stay if you want to climb Triglav You should check this places for accommodation:   In Bled I recommend:   https://www.berc-sp.si/en/ https://www.oldbledhouse.si/ http://old-parish-house-bed-breakfast-bled.bedspro.com/en/ http://www.lukanc-bled.com/en/price-list  this one is 2,4 kilometers out of Bled center, but about 30 minute walk http://www.lovechotel.com/en-gb/ or one of the numerous hostels in Bled:  https://www.hostelworld.com/findabed.php/ChosenCity.Bled/ChosenCountry.Slovenia?source=adwordsenemeadest&network=g&creative=237417121405&adposition=1t1&uniqueclickID=17379424668587042379&sub_keyword=hostel%20bled&sub_ad=e&sub_publisher=ADW&gclid=CjwKCAjw_47YBRBxEiwAYuKdwz8LcRPQ3j2JVjjBvX-tRtQh2-TY-ypbhorx3clIep89CB1cmOg59hoCkoMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds …

Triglav climb from Krma valley- the easiest way

There are three Alpine valleys that are going bellow Triglav from Mojstrana. Krma is the southeast of them and for most of people, that climb Triglav regularly that is the easiest ascent. We are ascending that route on all our group and winter ascents of the mountain. The route to Triglavski dom is 7,3 kilometres …